Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I counted twelve 'Starbucks' in this entry

I know, my Photoshop skill kills. At Starbucks with Sarah and Sari.

I've been consuming alot of Starbucks, man. I really like my hazelnut hot chocolate but it makes me want to puke afterwards. That really sucks, lah.

When Yasmin came over, I had Starbucks coffee with her and after that it was Starbucks, Starbucks, Starbucks.

I've never had so much Starbucks in my life! I think it's cos I've found my favourite (albeit puke-inducing) drink- THE HAZELNUT HOT CHOCOLATE.

At Starbucks with Sari sans Sarah.

Starbucks with Sarina, Starbucks with JY, Starbucks with Rashad, Starbucks with myself, Starbucks with Sarina and Sarah...

And tomorrow, Starbucks with Akmar.

1 comment:

mushroommeadows said...

Hey, I have starbucks in my blog today! :) I don't think they have hazelnut cocoa at the starbucks where I live. :(